The Sixth Form at St George's provides young women with an outstanding educational experience.
Our Sixth Form is about so much more than achieving academic excellence; it's a time of personal discovery, an opportunity for each of our girls to develop the skills needed to realise their aspirations and meet future challenges with confidence. Over the course of the Sixth Form, our pupils are given every opportunity to explore and define what they want from their future, whether it be a university course, a degree apprenticeship or a specific career choice and we pride ourselves on the support we give each pupil to help them realise their ambitions.
We encourage our Sixth Form pupils to become increasingly independent thinkers as they undertake an EPQ qualification and their A Levels studies. We encourage them to take on greater responsibility within the School community as prefects or as members of one of our many school councils. We encourage them to see themselves as role models to the younger pupils, setting an example of kindness, collaboration and commitment both inside and outside of the classroom.
The outstanding quality of teaching, combined with our exceptional pastoral care and our focus on the individual, is what truly distinguishes a St George’s Sixth Form education. We work tirelessly with our girls, and their parents/guardians, to ensure that our Sixth Form is a happy and academically successful time in which pupils flourish and become confident, capable and connected young women ready for the world beyond our School.
We are immensely proud of the young women who leave St George's, ready to take their next steps in life, full of confidence in themselves and what they can achieve.
Mrs Debbie Kratt
Head of Sixth Form
As always with St George’s, the strength of pastoral care and the importance of being happy as an individual, they are at the forefront. It’s not a generic academic hot house, you are just inspired to do the best that you can do. No-one is pushing you to be someone you are not or apply to somewhere you don’t want to go. ‘You tell us what you want and we will help you to get there’ which I love.
Upper Sixth Form Pupil