
Careers education at St George’s starts from the basis that women are likely to have a variety of different jobs in their working lives and that there are a range of opportunities available to well-qualified, confident and capable students at 18. Therefore, it is vital that girls understand themselves, their interests and skills before considering how this might be linked to their future working lives.

The St George’s careers programme runs from the first weeks of a girl’s time at the School to the end of the Sixth Form and beyond. In the younger years, SMSC lessons are designed to broaden pupils’ understanding, develop self-awareness of their skills and confidence, and explore areas of interest for the future. During Year 9, girls make their choices of subjects they will study at GCSE and these are decisions informed by an awareness of potential paths into A Level and beyond. Our Year 11 pupils take part in two seminars with our partner organisation, Tinker Tailor. Their expert facilitators help pupils to identify their personal capabilities and support their applications for work experience in whichever field interests them. Most pupils then complete a week of work shadowing after the conclusion of their GCSE examinations, connecting with local firms and national organisations. In the year that GCSE examinations are taken, girls select their A Levels. These crucial decisions are taken with the guidance of tutors, the Head of Year and members of the Senior Leadership Team, with the understanding that choosing the right subjects is critical in certain post-18 pathways and for all girls in achieving the best grades possible.

In the Sixth Form, careers education is part of the Enrichment programme with crucial support and mentoring being given by the Sixth Form Team of staff. The pupils are encouraged to consider a variety of possible routes for the future including taking a gap year, employment or university in the United Kingdom or overseas. The girls are encouraged to use the My Uni Choices survey and its report as well as the tools provided by Unifrog in their considerations. The vast majority of pupils decide to apply for university and all girls are given extensive support. This includes the Head reviewing each girls’ UCAS form prior to it being sent. Girls are provided support throughout the process of confirming their final choices and on A Level Result Day senior staff are on hand to give personalised advice.   

A variety of events and activities supplement the Careers programme at St George’s. Lunches are attended by girls interested in particular industries which are led by speakers from the Old Georgian community and parents. A biennial Alumnae Careers Afternoon provides further insight and understanding about different jobs. Issues such as women in the workplace and the “glass ceiling” are discussed in a question and answer forum. Our partners at UES Education provide guidance on North American applications whilst those interested in future careers or studies in business are encouraged to be part of the Tycoon Enterprise programme.
