Houses are structured vertically and include girls from Year 7 right up to the Upper Sixth. Every girl is a member of one of the four houses: Alexander, Becket, Churchill and Darwin.
This association encourages integration across the year groups, a sense of camaraderie, and gives the girls many opportunities to lead and initiate their own activities. House events run throughout the year and include House Parties and House competitions in a range of sporting, artistic and intellectual pursuits.
Most of the House events are organised by our capable Sixth Form girls, and there is a House Captain (who is also a School Prefect) and a Deputy who take overall charge of the House under the member of staff who is Head of House. The House Captains have a team of senior girls below them, and most of the early rehearsals for the House Drama and Music Competition, for example, are taken by Sixth Form girls who also decide on the material in the programmes.
The achievements of each House in sporting, artistic and intellectual competitions go towards the House Championship with the winning House Captain being awarded at the culmination of Prize Giving in July. An Academic Shield is awarded each term and is based on merits given by members of staff.
Examples of House activities that run during the year include:
- House Netball
- House Drama
- House Debating Competition
- House Lacrosse
- House Parties (the decoration, meal and entertainment is organised by girls for parents and friends)
- Dinners with the Head (Lower Sixth girls from each House are invited to a meal in the newly refurbished Old Library)
- House Music Competition (performances by soloists, ensembles and a House song are performed in front of an external adjudicator and the school)
- Georgian Gallop (a run for pupils and staff held on St George’s Day)
- House Athletics
- House Rounders
- House Tennis
- House Athletics
- Inter-House Quiz