Sixth Form Enrichment

During the Sixth Form girls will have one Enrichment lesson each week, and this session will broaden their school experience and provide support for their wellbeing at St George’s and for their post-18 life. 

The Enrichment lessons have four main aims in providing preparation and awareness for the girls of life beyond St George’s. These include important information sessions on contemporary issues such as relationships and consent, alcohol and drugs, as well as HIV and mental health. Such lessons are taken by experts in the field who are frequently outside speakers. The girls also hear from impressive individuals whose example and advice can inspire such as the British Army veterans of BLESMA, elite athletes such as World Champion Tony Garbett, and charitable causes such as the Mercy Ships UK. Our partners at Elevate Education provide a series of learning skills workshops to develop better study habits and outcomes. Finally, St George’s staff lead sessions dedicated to investigating post-18 opportunities and preparing the girls for university applications.    

Our Sixth Form team provides careers advice and encourages girls to investigate their post-18 options through research and work experience. There are six Sixth Form tutors, who meet with their tutees on an individual basis, at least every fortnight, to look at academic progress and well-being. The tutors help to further develop academic attainment and enrichment. They also advise, help and develop the girls' interests, inspiring them to embrace our ethos of wider learning at St George’s. Each pupil’s progress is overseen by the Head of Sixth Form, who can be contacted at any time.

In the Lower Sixth girls take part in the Laurie Walker Programme which is designed to give Sixth Formers confidence in public speaking and interviews. They are taught how to construct engaging speeches and deliver them effectively. As part of this programme high achieving and inspiring women speak to them about their life journey. 
Girls are encouraged to take part in outreach work with our partner schools in the maintained sector. This includes supporting infant and junior school pupils with literacy and numeracy projects alongside other community initiatives.
We give our Sixth Form pupils the opportunity to help lead the School and to develop qualities that will serve them well in their university life and career. We have a Prefect Team of Upper Sixth girls who are selected after a formal application process at the end of the Summer Term in the Lower Sixth. The team is made up of the Head Girl, Deputy Head Girls, House Captains and other post holders. Our Head Girls meet regularly with the Headmistress and together they lead the School Council where girls across all year groups discuss managing and improving the day-to-day lives of all Georgians. 
Whether you choose to continue your education at university, begin a degree apprenticeship or head out into the world of work, we can help you prepare for your next steps after Sixth Form.