Bucking the national trend, St George’s has maintained the excellent A Level standards achieved in 2022 with 41% of grades awarded at A*-A, 72% of grades at A*-B and nearly a third of the Upper Sixth leavers achieving all A* and A grades.
Our tailored approach to supporting each pupil to achieve their individual potential wherever their talents and interests lie has led to places secured in a variety of subjects at a range of impressive academic institutions. These include Medicine at King’s College, London, Chemistry at Warwick, Economics at Bath, Law at Bristol, Modern Languages and Cultures at Durham, Philosophy and Politics at Edinburgh and Sustainable Development at St Andrew’s. Georgians will also be taking up places to study creative subjects including Fine Art at Southampton and Music Performance at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.
‘We are very proud of the class of 2023 who have made excellent progress throughout their Georgian journeys. It has been wonderful to see many of this confident, talented and ambitious group of leavers celebrating their successes with us today. As the year group who joined St George’s in Year 7 in 2016 on the same day I did, I couldn’t be prouder of them and the way that they have all impacted the school in very different ways with such a range of strengths and talents. They will be greatly missed as they go on to thrive in their next adventures and will undoubtedly make positive contributions to their new communities. We wish them every success and happiness.’
Head, Mrs Hewer