SGA welcomes new Librarian, Sarah van de Weg

Whole School

Sarah van de Weg joined St George’s as Librarian at the start of the Summer Term and is already settling well into the role, meeting the School’s prolific readers and making plans for the future of this super SGA facility. 

Coming from her previous role as Librarian and Career Coordinator at St Joseph’s College in Reading, Sarah brings great experience to the role and is already thinking creatively about how to encourage the girls to use this invaluable resource more widely in both their academic studies, and for personal reading pleasure.

Sarah shared that she has lots of plans in mind including running different activities during break time and lunch time to encourage a wider readership. 

In the next academic year I hope to introduce a new book award to promote reading for pleasure, as well as inviting in a range of visiting authors and hosting a book fair. I would also like the library to play a larger role in supporting students in their academic studies, such as course work and those undertaking the EPQ.


Not surprisingly Sarah is an avid reader herself and is keen to recommend titles and help steer the girls’, and perhaps even the staffs’, reading choices. When asked for a top pick, she said she had recently really enjoyed Show Us Who You Are by Elle McNicoll. ‘The main character is autistic and I found it interesting to put my feet into her shoes and experience the world from her perspective.’

We have no doubt that Sarah will be a tremendous asset to St George’s and look forward to seeing her spread her literary wings in the year ahead.