SGA celebrates their best GCSE results to date


Year 11 pupils at St George’s Ascot are celebrating their best year yet with impressive GCSE grades across the board demonstrating strong ‘value added’ once again.

The girls have outperformed the School’s GCSE results achieved in 2019, the national benchmark for this year’s results with nearly a quarter of all grades at grade 9.  38% of grades were 9-8, 61% of grades were 7 and above, and the top grade 9 has been awarded to St George’s pupils more than any other grade.

We are immensely proud of all of our girls who have achieved outstanding grades across every subject which are above and beyond their baseline predictions, something for which St George’s is renowned.

Deputy Head Academic, Jeremy Hoar

These headlines are, of course, made up of numerous individual successes. Particular congratulations go to Emily Arbutnott, Rosie Dangerfield, Anya Hagen, Leila Mount, Orla Smith, Amelia Wells, Olivia Wells, who all achieved a clean sweep of the highest grades 9-8 (A*).

Head, Liz Hewer, expressed her pride in the year group and wished them every success as they now embark on their A Level studies as members of the Sixth Form.

The girls have worked very hard, supported by our outstanding staff teams, and these results are thoroughly deserved and will give the girls a firm foundation for their continuing journey with us into the SGA Sixth Form. Nearly all of the cohort have chosen to stay on at St George’s for their A Level studies and we wish them every success. We are exceptionally proud of them all.

Liz Hewer, Head